Find a Calling. Change the World.
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Find a Calling. Change the World.
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Joy + Rigor = Mastery
"Embracing rigor is part of saying 'yes' to a Hero's Journey. Deep learning brings a special sense of joy, but the mastery required for a Hero's Journey goes even further, requiring commitment, discipline and hard work towards a worthy goal."
Daily Schedule
8:15-8:45 am Welcome & Free Time
8:45-9:00 am Morning Launch - Socratic Discussion
9:00-11:30 am Core Skills - Reading, Writing & Math
11:30 am - 12:45 pm Lunch & Free Time
12:45-1:00 pm Afternoon Launch - Socratic Discussion
1:00 - 3:00 pm Quest & Project Time
3:00 - 3:15 pm Studio Maintenance
3:15 - 3:30 pm Close & Namaste
Spark Studio
Ages 5-8
The purpose of Spark is to be a good friend and learn to read.
We foster academic, physical, and emotional independence through developmentally appropriate works inspired by Maria Montessori, in a morning work cycle. This also includes small group and one-on-one reading instruction built around the Science of Reading.
We explore our world through books, projects and experiences in some of the following topics: Habitats, Families & Community, Plants, Classic Tales, Farms, The 5 Senses, Farms, Native Americans, Kings & Queens, Seasons & Weather, Colonial Towns & Townspeople, Taking Care of the Earth, Continents, Countries, Maps, and more!
We spark curiosity through hands on experiences, art, and play-based challenges, through loose parts play with plenty of time outdoors.
Discovery Studio
Ages 8-11 (2nd-5th)
The purpose of Discovery is to be curious and do meaningful work. Our eagles develop self-awareness and independence through reflective processes and freedom within boundaries, They discover a joy for learning through a balanced learning design, and ignite curiosity through a wide range of challenges and experiences.
Quests - 4 Year Rotation
- Build the Tribe
- Entrepeneurship
- Acton Athens
- Community Garden
- Coding & Robotics
- Detective Science
- Growing Curiosity
- Prediction Tools
- Build a Business
- Colonial Acton
- Game Design
- Entomology
- The Story of Energy
- Growing Curiosity
- Build the Tribe
- Entrepeneurship
- Experiencing History: US Citizenship
- Architecture
- Marine Science
- Edison's Lab
- Growing Curiosity
- Prediction Tools
- Build a Business
- Cartography
- Chess
- Survivor
- Laws of Physics: Newton's Toy Workshop
- Growing Curiosity
Middle School Studio
6th - 8th
Work hard. Have fun. Find a calling. Take control of YOUR Learning.
Core Skills & Quests Work on difficult real-world Quests. Learn to calculate, write and think more deeply.
Connect & Have Fun as you develop a positive self-identity surrounded by friends who will support you.
Find a Calling Through exploring gifts, passions and apprenticeships so you can change the world.
Quests - 3 Year Rotation
When does a hero submit to authority?
- Build the Tribe & Friendship
- Entrepeneurship
- The Trial of Socrates
- Plan A Trip
- Biology I: Evolution
- Biology II: Medical Biology
- Biology III: Embracing Life & Facing Death
- Art & Creativity
Does the past determine the future?
- Behavioral Economics
- Personal Finance
- American Independence
- Chemistry I: Cooking
- Chemistry II: Rockets
- Politics & Economics
- Growing Curiosity & Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE)
Does power corrupt?
- Becoming a Conversationalist
- Entrepeneurship - Website That Sells
- McCarthy Trials
- Classical Physics: Mechanics
- Physics II: Electricity & Quantum Physics
- Physics III: Programming, Digital Games & Drones
- Art & Creativity
Launchpad: High School Studio
9th - 12th
Core Skills Mastering Reading, Writing, Math, and Civilization using computer simulations and Socratic Discussions.
Quests Competing and collaborating in a game-like series of real world projects to learn 21st Century Skills.
Apprenticeships Experimenting with entrepreneurs, scientists and community leaders to hone your most precious gifts and talents until you find your calling in life.
Quests - 4 Year Rotation
1When does a hero submit to authority?
- Entrepreneurship: Selling
- Travel: Plan a Trip
- Psychology
- Plan A Trip
- Biology I: Evolution
- Biology II: Medical Biology
- Foreign Language: Spanish I
- Art & Creativity + Spanish 2
2Does the past determine the future?
- Leadership
- Decision Making Quest
- Next Great Adventure
- Chemistry I: Cooking
- Chemistry II: Rockets
- Politics & Economics
- Art & Creativity + Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE)
3Does Power Corrupt?
- Entrepreneurship: Free Agent
- Photography & New Media
- Personal Finance II: Investing
- Classical Physics: Mechanics
- Physics II: Electricity & Light
- Physics III: Programming, & Robotics
- SOLEs (Self-Organized Learning Environment)
4Next Great Adventure
This year is curated based on the path ahead and may include Early College, Passion Projects & Additional Apprenticeships.
Start the adventure of your lifetime.
Contact Us
Located in:
CSA Palm Harbor
1550 16th St,
Building 2
Palm Harbor, FL 34683
© 2023 www.ActonAcademyPH.com